
Great Philosophers

Decent Essays

For this assignment, I chose the following three ethical philosophers: Confucius, Immanuel Kant, and Paulo Freire. Each of these ethicists differs in the way they resolved ethical dilemmas and the assignment will focus on how each ethicists would respond to a certain situation. Confucius reasoning is that all human are good; however, when face with an ethical dilemma, there is an inequality between what is good and bad. I believe that the response from Confucius it would not be acceptable to steal food to feed a starving child. The reason why I believe this is because Confucius was a virtue ethicist and believed in loyalty, which is respect for the law and stealing, is not showing respect for the law (Great Philosophers, n.d.). I believe that Confucius would go to the store and ask the store manager and tell him the situation about starving child. One of Confucius’ central virtues is honest, which is respect for the truth. Telling the store manager the truth is not only respecting the store but also respecting you (Great Philosophers, n.d.). …show more content…

The next ethicist is Kant; whose reasoning I believe is that everything that is was illegal and morally wrong is unacceptable. If we look at the situation regarding the stealing of food for a starving child, I believe that Kant would response favorable to someone stealing food for a starving child. According to Kantian ethics, we have a perfect to others not to steal; however, we also have imperfect duty to assists others in need (Kantian Ethic, n.d.). Kantian Ethics is also based on the face that a person is good or bad and what is their motivation of their actions and not the goodness of their action (Kantian Ethics,

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