
Good Vs. Evil In Bram Stoker's Dracula

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The story of Dracula begins with journey of an english solicitor, Jonathan Harker, to Transylvania on behalf of his mentor to inform Count Dracula of his latest purchase, an estate in london. During his stay at Castle Dracula Jonathan notice some odd behavior of the Count, but ignores his seemingly unfounded fears--until he discovers he has become a prisoner in the Castle and escape is futile. Meanwhile thousands of miles away in England Mina murray awaits the return of her fiance, Harker, from his business trip. She is staying at the home of her dearest friend Lucy Westenra; however, Mina observes odd occurrence at the home, Lucy begins to experience several episodes of sleepwalking, lethargy, even after a great deal of sleep, and have odd puncture wounds on her neck. Lucy steadily worsen and a friend of a friend is …show more content…

Van Helsing, Morris, Seward, Holmwood, Harker and Mina all align with side of Good; while the Count and his horde of vampiric women . On the side of evil, Stoker characterizes vampire as sinful beings who look and act in sexaully explicit ways, the acts of vampirism such as sucking blood and it’s transformation are paralleled with sexual acts, and in accordance with time period where “sexaul reppression and evasion”(Wolf, 392) were societal standards, Dracula and his debauched women represent evil in all its immorality. Van Helsing and co. wield christian and catholic holy items to defeat their immoral opposition in their righteous crusade, “Thus are we ministers of God's own wish: that the world, and men for whom His Son die, will not be given over to monsters, whose very existence would defame Him” (294). Stoker has the group constantly referencing scripture and re-asserting their belief that this is their holy mission and Van Helsing compares it to christians in the past and them partaking in

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