
Characterization And Imagery In Bram Stoker's Dracula

Decent Essays

Bram Stoker’s use of characterization and imagery to convey one of his many themes in the book Dracula. In Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the author uses characterization and imagery to convey the theme, Follow your instincts.

For example, the use of characterization Stoker uses when describing Dr. Van Helsing Leads us to believe that Dr. Van Helsing’s character is very intelligent, even-minded, well-educated,and has great instincts.Without Dr. Van Helsing’s intelligence or level head ,The fate of many characters would have been completely different. It’s because of Dr. Van Helsing that Mina and the others live to tell the story. When Mina was attacked by Dracula and forced to drink his blood,which made her “ Impure”. Dr. Van Helsing uses his intelligence and wit to change her fate. By listening to his instincts the doctor was able to help many people. But even he couldn’t help everyone. Lucy was one of those people. It was believed that Lucy had anemia,but in reality it was the loss of blood caused by Count Dracula that eventually killed her. Even though the doctors couldn’t save her life, something told Dr. Van Helsing that she wasn’t truly free. She was becoming the same thing that killed her, a vampire.By following his instincts, he was able to set her free and bring closure to those who loved her , As well as rid the world of another monster .

The use of imagery helps us paint a picture of a situation in which Van Helsing may have had to follow his instincts. For instance,

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