
Global Cultural Analysis: China

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Contents Abstract 4 Introduction 5 Literature Review 5 Major dimensions and elements of culture in China 5 1.1.1 Major cultural dimensions in China 5 1.1.2 The cultural elements in China 8 The elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business…………..8

2.1.1 The integration of locals conducting business in China 9 How cultural elements in China compare to the US business and culture………...8

3.1.1 Customs....................................................................................................10

3.1.2 Government Elections…………………………………………………..11

Implications of US businesses …show more content…

The geographical area of China is more than 9 million square kilometers and as a result, it is the fourth largest country in the world. There are several ethnic groups in China, the Han Chinese is the largest group, and it is found in almost all parts of the country. Other minority groups include Tibetan, Zhuang, Korean, and Mongol. The Chinese society is high context and non-verbal. The Chinese people acquire the knowledge of what they are supposed to do and say even if they are not told through conversation. Voice and facial expressions play a critical role in determining the feelings in a person. They do not have facial expressions when in a conversation. Direct eye contact is avoided because it is viewed as a symbol of disrespect (Clair & Norris, 2011). The Chinese alphabet is very different from the others because characters represent whole ideas, concepts, or words. The dialect does not determine the symbols to be used and they are uniform throughout the different dialects. Chinese people speak the Mandarin and Cantonese. Cantonese dialect happens to be common and it is mainly spoken in the south while Mandarin is common in the northern part of the country. It is worth noting that a dialect is the way words are pronounced but not how they are written. Moreover, it is

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