
Frida Kahlo Essay

Decent Essays

Frida Kahlo’s “Roots” is a conceptual art piece, using Surrealist art elements to represent the idea that in life and death, everything is connected. The painting depicts a young Frida, laying sideways in the middle of a vast desert. From an opening in her stomach, vines grow and reach into the desert earth. Frida’s blood flows through the vines into the earth, as if to feed the dead ground. The content of this piece shows every aspect of life: birth, life, and death are all clearly represented in the piece. By presenting all of these features in the piece at once, Kahlo portrays the concept that everything is linked in some aspect.
As in many of her paintings, Frida Kahlo painted herself as the key subject in the piece. She lies on the cracked earth alone, but appears connected to everything around her. Color is used to create this sense of connection and harmony in the piece, as Kahlo’s dress echoes the tones of the desert surrounding her. Through the hole in Frida’s stomach you can see the dessert behind her, as if she is just a piece of the land. In this piece, Kahlo is the human representation of life itself, taking from the earth and giving herself to it as well. This drives home the idea of a person’s connection to the world around them.
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In this piece, Frida Kahlo has literally become a “tree of life”, through the vines and branches growing out of her. By bringing outside knowledge into the piece, one can gain much deeper understanding of what this means. In the Bible, the “Tree of Life” is found in the Garden of Eden, and its fruit provides eternal life. In the context of the painting, Frida as the tree of life symbolizes the living giving life, both in the form of creating new life and in dying. She creates an everlasting

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