
Frida Kahlo Self Portrait Along The Boarder Line Meaning

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Imagine that all around you is poverty and destruction. You see people dying of sickness, those crying for the ones they lost to war, no freedom of religion and no freedom of speech. There is only sadness and defeat. Imagine that you are now being told of a place of freedom, acceptance, and anything you could ever hope for or wish. You give up everything you have to voyage to this wonderful place where your wildest dreams are told will become reality because you found hope. Now imagine your disappointment when you reach this place and it is everything you wished it wouldn’t be. Everywhere you look is wreckage and suffering. People who had the same idea as you so they gave up everything they had to find themselves lost and back to where they were before. There is no acceptance or freedom because you are being judged for looking different, acting different and even speaking different. All hope is lost. This is the life of an immigrant. To have to change and adapt to new lifestyles is a very difficult task which is why many immigrants would favor their own cultures. This can be shown in Frida Kahlo’s Self Portrait Along the Boarder Line Between Mexico and the United States. In this painting, it shows the United States as dark and vacant of life while Mexico is filled with flowers and sunlight. Within the painting is Frida Kahlo holding a Mexican flag representing her loyalty to her native country. The painting also shows Frida standing on the border of Mexico and America.

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