
Explain The Signs Of Abuse

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The signs of abuse

There are four types of abuse, physical, sexual, neglect and emotional. Each have different signs that they are happening and it is my job to read them signs and report them to a senior officer if I am concerned in anyway that a child showing them signs.
Physical abuse is deliberately hurting a child causing injuries such as bruises, broken bones, burns or cuts. This can also be when a parent or career induces illness on a child; this can be through giving the child medicine they don’t need to make them unwell. The signs a child could be going through this are, being withdrawn from activates and playing with children, being clingy, not eating properly, having trouble sleeping, wetting the bed and being anxious within them self.
Emotional abuse is the continuous maltreatment of a child's emotional state, this can be through psychological abuse that can effect the child’s health and development. Emotional abuse can also be through deliberately humiliating a child, ignoring, scaring and isolating a child. Emotional abuse can be hard to see in a child as changes in a child’s behaviour is normal as they grow and develop. However some signs to look out for are having a lack of confidence and being …show more content…

Non-contact sexual abuse can be grooming the child over the internet, encouraging a child to perform sexual acts and exposing them to pornography. Children that have been sexual abused might avoid being alone with people or feel nervous around people they feel vulnerable too. Physical signs can occur such as soreness or even STIs, they may also show depression, isolate themselves, not eat properly and have trouble

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