
Safeguarding the Welfare of Children

Satisfactory Essays

Assignment 008

Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people

1. The children act 1989 (England and Wales)

These acts were brought together to try and simplify the law that protects children and young people. They will tell people what their duties are and how they work when child abuse is suspected.


Crb checks- a crb check is process where applicants are checked for criminal records. This is done by the criminal records bureau.

e-safety - the Byron review(2008) is to protect children from exposure to harmful material on the internet.




Physical abuse is when a child is physically hurt . Hitting, beating, throwing, shaking are all physical abuse.


Emotional …show more content…

All children’s files should be kept locked away for data protection.

Task b


1. give the child calpol to try and bring their temperature down
2. Test with a glass to see if the rash disappears
3. Remove clothing to bring temperature down
4. Call 999/ nhs direct for advice
5. Take the child to a&e


Task c

Agency name
Role of the agency
Social services
Have a legal responsibility to support children and families in need. Most social worker will be employed by social services
Health visitors
Health visitors have the responsibility to care for children’s health for the under 5’s. they will provide information to the parents and carry out assessments.
Failing to comply with safeguarding procedures
If someone fail to comply could lead to a child’s safety being put at risk. They maybe being abused and if you don’t act on this the child could be in real danger. They should report anything to the safeguarding officer so that they can react straight way

Harming, abusing or bulling a child or young person
You should report anything suspicious to the safeguarding officer. Try and make a full report of what the child has said to you. Never tell them it will be ok.

Sore throat, fever, headache, aches and pains

Lots of rest, fluids and medical help if antibiotics are needed

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