
Examples Of Axial Era Thinkers

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Axial Age Thinkers
Karl Jaspers a German philosopher in the mid twentieth century coined the term the "axial period" to refer to what he saw as the simultaneous development in several different and separate societies in China, India, Iran, Israel, Greece. Jasper referred to the thinkers as axial because they happened at a pivotal point or axis that seemed to change the worlds point of view. Coincidentally they also happened along an East - West axis, from the Mediterranean to East Asia. As the Empires in Egypt, South west Asia, Northern India and Zhou China were declining the communities started to follow innovative paths.
In Zhou China the old political power gave way to new radical thinking. There were more than five hundred battles among states and one hundred civil battles all taking place within two hundred and sixty years, known as the Spring and Autumn period. Confucius was a product of this violent period. Though he believed the government had the best intentions he was frustrated by the separation of rival states. Confucius beliefs became popular and were preserved by his followers. Soon elites and commoners were trying to maintain stability through religion, medicine and statecraft. Soon state and scholars became alliances. The rulers used the philosopher’s expertise on matters of punishment, astronomy and prophecy. Confucianism’s …show more content…

He did not believe in their kingship that kept the priestly class in power. He also disagreed with their rituals and sacrifices to appease the gods. He believed in the four noble truths. Life is suffering, suffering is rooted in attachment, escape suffering if you escape attachments and escape attachments with the eight-fold path of right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration. His teachings provided people alternative to established

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