
Essay On Assault On First Responders

Decent Essays

However, what some don’t know is that assaults on first responders are happening across the nation and many go unreported. Violence against EMS experts takes many forms. Most acts of brutality are not less than deadly. Statistics shows that the risk of non-fatal assault resulting in lost work time among EMS workers is 0.6 cases per 100 workers a year; the national average is about 1.8 per 10,000 workers. The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) found 4/5 medics have experienced some form of injury as a result of the job. The U.S. Department of Labor reported that about 52 percent of EMTs operating in the field have been assaulted. There are several theories as to why people attack first responders. One theory is …show more content…

Most strikes on EMS professionals include unarmed assaults (punches, kicks, grabs, and so forth.). According to a source, at least once a day in the city of Chicago paramedics are assaulted once a day. ABC Local reported that there is currently no paramedic self-defense training for Chicago paramedics and this department is hardly an outlier. With assaults against first responders rising, there should be new training requirements necessary. Escape should always be the goal of the assaulted EMS practitioner. Training offers first responders the ability to learn proper responses to better stay away from a situation that will cause injury. Self-defense training includes skills such as awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist, and survive violent attacks. With the skills learned from them classes, first responders will learn how to successfully deal with aggressive patients or bystanders by using all the skills they learned from the courses. Departments need to create policies to cover these circumstances and guarantee that their work force receives defensive tactics particularly for those who work into high-risks areas. Protective Gear Departments should also provide defensive tools such as pepper spray, bulletproof or stab-proof vests for

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