
England Research Paper

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England is the biggest country that is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country of England has a history that is riddled by plagues, ruled by monarchs, and devastated by two World Wars. Despite these hardships, England also contains a rich history of culture and beauty.
England was formed by multiple invasions and immigrants from many different countries. Some of these include the Romans, Vikings, Anglos-Saxons and Celts. England was established as an country in 1536, but has an ancient history dating back to more than 800,000 years. England is known for its prehistoric monument in Wiltshire called Stonehenge. Stonehenge is a ring of standing stones that are believed to be built between 3000BC -2000BC of the Neolithic and Bronze Age. In 43 AD the Roman Empire began to invade and conquer England. The Romans ruled over England until the 5th century. The Romans built about 10,000 miles of road during their 400 year reign. After the end of the Roman rule came the people known as the Anglo-Saxons. They established many kingdoms and introduced the Old English Language. Vikings also began to invade and settle into England after 800 AD. During this time the …show more content…

Boxing Day started about 800 years ago in the medieval times. Boxing day is celebrated the day after Christmas, December 26th. Traditionally it was a day when alms boxes were opened and the stuff inside of them were given to the poor. The alms boxes were made of wood or clay. During the late 18th century it became a time when the wealthy Lords and Ladies would box up their leftover food and presents and hand them out to their poorly paid workers. Today Boxing Day is an national Bank holiday where people spend time with friends and family. They watch sports such as football and horse racing or sometimes participate in crazy activities such as swimming in the freezing water of the English

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