
E-Learning System

Good Essays


1.0 INTRODUCTION E-Learning is the imparting of knowledge via electronic means. Transfer of skills and expertise has been enabled by computers and networks.
At present time, Technology or to use a computer is a common or very popular when it comes into marketing fields, government agencies, business firms, schools and even homes. It makes almost everything possible to do by just using a computer. With the application of information technology, it helps people to do anything, anywhere at any time; it makes their work more efficient because it only takes a small time to get a details.
According on our research, E-learning, sometimes termed computer-based training (CBT), internet-based training (IBT) or web-based training …show more content…

In some circles within the education sector, some refer to the ‘e’ as ‘enhanced’.
E-Learning can be delivered and supported using a variety of electronic media, but is also the ideal complement to a traditional education or training program delivery. These technologies are used to create and deliver individualized, comprehensive, dynamic learning content that facilitates learning, anytime and anywhere. It is an innovative approach to communicating almost any type of instructional information. E-Learning can be delivered and supported using a variety of electronic media but is also the ideal complement to a traditional education or training program.
E-Learning is interactive and hands-on. The use of a variety of multimedia increases student involvement and reinforces the learning experience. This leads to increased retention and a stronger grasp of the subject at hand. E-Learning is flexible. Learning can take place anytime and anywhere, as long as the necessary equipment is available. E-Learning provides consistent and effective training. All of the target learners can participate simultaneously and receive the same information, reducing the variability introduced through multiple sessions in different locations.

1.2 Statement of the problem

This study focused on developing a system that will help the students in their studies, and also for the teachers.

This study sought to find solutions to solve the problems encountered in the existing

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