
Diversity In The Workplace Essay

Decent Essays

America is a salad bowl, and in the salad bowl concept every fruit or vegetable holds its identity. The United States is built on the shoulders of men and women of every race, creed and color. Therefore businesses should represent and look like society. Unfortunately organizations do not see the need for diversity; hence, no systems are put into place to harbor its rich culture. Diversity “refers to the variation in the important human characteristic that distinguish people from one another.” (Lawrence & Weber, p. 379) Many leaders publicly announce that their organizations are not diverse enough because when people think about diversity, race and color are at its center. Nevertheless, diversity is made up of primary and secondary dimension, …show more content…

When diversity presents challenges, people are typically in discord, unproductive and less cohesiveness, which will eventually lead to filing a claim of unlawful discrimination. Leaders must be cognizant of an evolving workforce women are working more now than ever, in fact the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 47 percent of all workers will be women in 2020. Racial diversity and baby boomers continue to grow in the workers, which comes with its own challenges. It is easier when we work with someone who is just like us; however, it becomes a challenge when they are not. Therefore, organization must be sensitive to the needs of employees, i.e. lactating moms have the right to pump milk at work and employer smust provide a private area. As statistics show that women in the workforce are rising, another challenges that employers may have to deal with is the rise of sexual harassment complaints since women are the targets of most sexual harassment. ( Lawrence & Weber, p. 391) This in turn will create internal problems for the organization and could cost if a suit is filed. Some research shows that the more

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