
Definition And Application Of Pattern

Decent Essays

Review on Pattern Recognitions -Rajat B.

Pattern recognition is a technique to differentiate different pattern into classes through the help of supervised or unsupervised technique. We have developed highly sophisticated skills for sensing the environment and taking actions according to what we observe. This sensing and understanding is mostly dependent on ability to differentiate between patterns. The pattern recognition ability if with the help of machine learning can be applied in machine. The machine ability to make decision like human being will be enhanced. Many applications such as data mining, web searching, face recognition etc has already been in uses which are based on the pattern recognitions. The objective of this review paper is to summarize and compare some of the well-known methods and application used in pattern recognition system.

Pattern recognition, classification, clustering, machine learning, error estimation, neural networks.


A pattern is an entity, that could be given a name and pattern recognition is the study of how machines can observe the environment and make sense of it by differentiating between patterns. Humans are best pattern recognizers but we do not understand how we recognize patterns. Why we need the pattern recognition? The answer is more relevant patterns at our disposal, the better decisions we can take. The challenge in pattern recognition is that the

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