
Daodejing Influence

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The Daodejing is an ancient Chinese text written around the 6th century B.C.E., which encompasses eighty-one short chapters and involves the teachings of being in absolute harmony with the universe. According to tradition, a sage named Laozi wrote the Daodejing, however, certain scholars argue that this text is a collection of multiple sources over the course of a few centuries. The Daodejing is the fundamental text of Taoism, a philosophical and religious tradition of Chinese origin that accentuates existing with “the Way.” Tao, romanized as Dao, signifies ‘path’ or ‘way’, and expresses how life cannot be understood by simple conceptions, rather as a condition of an actual living experience. The Daodejing has influenced many schools of thought, including Chinese Buddhism, and continues to be a text that inspires readers globally. Agreeing with this highly influential, ancient text, there are certain issues that people must overcome and understand to fully be harmonized with “the Dao.” Taoists would insist that to be one with the Way, an individual must understand the motivations behind their desires, be in a state of “Wu Wei,” translated as non-action, or acting naturally, and realize that names polarize the true nature of their meaning.
If an individual is striving to be good, they are undermining the essence of good, and they are not one …show more content…

“Those of highest Virtue do not strive for Virtue and so they have it. Those of lowest Virtue never stray from Virtue and so they lack it” (38). The Dao is constantly altered and exists as reality itself; the yin and the yang describe the relationship between contrary forces of reality. Every force exists as a duality, the yin and the yang are interconnected, by complementing each other. Fire and water, female and male, north and south, all exist in this dimension of reality and seamlessly coexist as parallel

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