
Dao The Way Analysis

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Kongzi imagined a society in which all lived in harmony, content with their place within the social hierarchy. He believed that if a ruler's moral character was exemplary, this would influence his people to behave morally as well. Xiao illustrates the spirit that Confucians believe ought to guide social interactions, and Li (ritual) provides the model for the practice of social relationships. This peaceful image of society Kongzi envisioned is at the heart of the Confucian social vision. The Confucian ideas of Dao, Xiao and Li, all have important aspects in contributing to Kongzi’s ideal society. Dao (the Way) is part of the moral path Tian gives to human beings. Dao (the Way) is followed by the sage kings and provides the proper way of behaving for human beings. Xiao, representing (familial piety) is a fundamental attribute too Kongzi’s ideal society. Xiao is centered on family duties, love and respect, identifies the natural relationship of superiority/inferiority. With …show more content…

Kongzi believed that human society was no longer harmonious with this order. He believed society has gotten out of harmony with the natural order of which it was a part. The ancients had understood this, but their descendants, pursuing selfish interests had strayed from the path. Witnessing these flaws in humanity, Kongzi says, “The right government/education can re-establish harmony.” In Book two from the Analects (2.3), The Master said, “If you try to guide the common people with coercive regulations and keep them in line with punishments, the common people will become evasive and will have no sense of shame. If, however, you guide them with Virtue, and keep them in line by means of ritual, the people will have a sense of shame and will rectify themselves.” This critical idea of Li and Virtue plays an important part of Kongzi’s vision of an Ideal

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