
Cultural Differences Between Body Language, Communication Styles And Cultural Beliefs

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As professional caregivers, nurses are required to communicate with patients to assess, diagnose and provide interventions that result in desirable outcomes. An ever changing cultural and spiritual population is a hallmark of the US identity since its inception two and a half centuries ago. This poses a challenge for nurses who must be able to quickly and accurately identify client needs and provide appropriate care. Language differences are a natural barrier to communication, as are cultural differences in body language, communication styles and cultural beliefs. People whose culture differs from the nurse may have different views about overall health and well-being, choices for interventions, responses to pain and opinions about death and life-prolonging care. Nurses must be open to differences in cultural beliefs and educate themselves about the diversity in their area to best meet the needs of the community.
It is important, however, that a well-intentioned desire to achieve cultural competence does not result in oversimplification and stereotyping. There is variation within cultural groups and uniqueness to individual experiences that must also be considered. Nurses must aspire to respect differences in culture and treat patients in a manner that instills trust. The American Nurses Association developed a set of standards of practice for culturally competent nursing to ensure that all patients’ specific needs are addressed, as well as ensuring equity in the workplace

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