
Constantine The Great : Constantine The Great

Decent Essays

Constantine the Great Constantine was the one-hundred-twenty-sixth emperor of ancient Rome and was born February 27, 272 A.D. He was well-liked by his citizens, and has been called “the most important emperor of Late Antiquity”. Many significant events occurred during his reign, as well as his style of leading and the debate on whether or not he was a good leader. He held power from July 25, 306 A.D., to October 29, 337 A.D. Constantine the Great has had a profound impact on today’s society, as well as life and existence in the future. Without him, the world would be a very different place. A plethora of important events occurred during Constantine’s rule, but some outshine others. One of these important events was the legalization and support of Christianity. When Constantine and his troops were marching to Rome, he witnesses an act of divinity. He and his troops all looked up to the sky to see a cross made of light, and the words “by this sign you will be victor”. This was the first action toward what would be the legalization of Christianity. The second motion came to Constantine in a dream. In this dream, Constantine had been instructed by Christ to put a labarum (cross) on the troops’ shields (Pohlsander). Thus, these two events leading to the conversion of Constantine’s faith, and the authorization of Christianity as a legal religion. In addition to the significance of Christians being able to freely practice, he utterly reinvented the Rome that most are familiar with

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