
Constantine The Great : Constantine The Great

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Constantine the Great was the emperor of Rome and was the Roman Emperor from 306 to 337 AD. During his reign he was the first Christian Emperor; and in various different ways, Constantine changed the lives of his people. Constantine kept his empire stable and his people from turning on him by allowing Christianity in the empire, conquering and gaining more land, and lastly creating Constantinople. Information found from"Constantine Legalizes Christianity: 313."leads us to believe the following. In 312 AD Constantine, the great converted to Christianity changing the lives of an uncounted amount of people.When Constantine the Great converted to Christianity he made a numerous amount of changes. One of the many changes he did was turn Sunday into a day of rest he let the people in cities rest, and he shut down all of the workshops. When Constantine the Great gave the day of Sunday off as a day of rest for the people, he allowed them to feast and do the things that they pleased on that day. Knowing that the people who lived in his empire were hard workers and probably were very tired; giving the people Sunday off gave them another reason to not rebel and riot against the king because he gave them a day of relaxation, a day where they didn't have to work or do any labor.
Constantine giving the day of the sun a day off was not the only thing he did when he converted to Christianity. When Constantine converted he ended all of the persecution towards the Christians. It also created

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