
Confucious And Lao Tzu's Influence On East Asia

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Confucious and Lao Tzu had a huge influence on the East Asia. Confucious taught on how to have a good moral and live in structured society. He also taught that if a person lives in harmony with his society then he is in harmony with himself. Lao Tzu teaches the way to Tao and how to be one with nature and self. He dislikes authority and government because he believes that they are corrupted and they are leading others to the wrong path. Instead, he wants people to live with the flow of nature. He also believes that there is a balance in life. For every yin there is a yang.

Confucianism and Daoist were originated in China. Confucianism’s goal is to have a good morals, ethics and humanity to reach social harmony. They want the follower to be

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