
Confucianism Is An Ethical And Philosophical System

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Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system, originated from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE). Often viewed as a religion, Confucianism can be understood as a way of thinking or living. Confucius thought the world was made of orderly hierarchies in both of family and government, and that people at the top of the hierarchy should rule with kindness to win the respect of their people. Where Legalism emphasizes law. The law rewards who obeys and punish who break it. One of the most famous contributor of Legalism, was Han Fei Zi, he believed that the ruler should follow these three tools to govern his people. This paper will examine Confucianism and Legalism and discuss the differences between the two systems in ancient china.
Kong Qiu (Confucius) was the founder of Confucianism. Confucius was born in 552 B.C.E. in a small state of Lu. His teachings in the Analects, focused on promoting ethical standards of both family and social interaction, and setting the ideal education. After his death in 479 B.C., Confucianism later became the official philosophy of China, and was very influential during the dynasties. During the sixth century B.C., Chinese states eroded the authority of the Chou Empire, a supreme ruler for over 500 years. Resulting in traditional Chinese principles to began to wane, creating a period of moral decline. Confucius felt obligated to reinforce the societal values of tradition in his culture. His social philosophy was

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