
In What Ways Did The Roman Republic Differ From Athenian Democracy

Good Essays

Week 5 Reading Guide

Chapter 8
1. How did the Roman Republic differ from Athenian democracy? In what ways did the Roman Republics governing framework respond to the political needs of the Romans? How did Rome use citizenship as a tool of governance?
-The Roman Republic people had a lot less power than the Athenian Democracy, But, it was supported by practices and principles. Rome could not have a direct democracy like Athens because it was so much larger.
-The Roman Republic treated all parties fair in civil and criminal cases. The laws were all about the people of Rome. But, eventually a social contest came about called the Struggle of the Orders, and this caused chaos between different types/ groups of people.
-Citizenship of Rome …show more content…

5. Why were their Romans unable to protect the western part of their empire from the Germanic invaders? How did the division of the empire contribute to the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
-The Germans moved in slowly, living in villages and farming with the Romans. There weren’t too many problems with them coming in for a while.. The Romans even began to assimilate the Germans into their armies, and allowing them to have command positions. Eventually the Germans began to take control and tried to force the Romans off of their land and move into their Empire. The Romans eventually got raided and was in very bad shape.
6. How did Christianity become Rome’s main religion? How did this change the status and transform the Christian church?
-Constantine’s reign brought it in, as he really supported the Christian Religion.
-The promise of salvation attracted many, and it highly advanced the Christian church and then Christianity slowly became the official religion. At first, persecution was done to non-believers, but as time went on it became the …show more content…

Constantine then legalized it, so it became very popular and important.
-Theodosius adapted it to Germanic culture by banning pagan worship, closing temples of Roman and Greek gods. Also they ended the Olympic games. Also, the Christian faith was blended in with the present culture of Romans.
-Once the pope got authority over the whole Christian Church, there were problems with preachers in many eastern churches—which lead to a division of eastern and western churches.
8. Why did Europe’s warrior nobility become so powerful during the 9th and 10th centuries? What were the main roles of vassals, manors, lords, and serfs?
-With the idea of passing down positions through family ties, the rulers/ families in power were so strong and powerful that there was much wealth and success in the armies. The absolute power stayed with families who knew how to use it, so it made it very strong.
-Vassels: warlords who would swear allegiance and pledge military service to their overlord.
-Manors: land estates that had farmers who were peasants.
-Lords: Nobles who owned manors, and were in control of their peasants and

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