
Competency Goal 1

Decent Essays

Competency Goal 1 Functional Area 1: Safe It is important to maintain a safe environment for students inside and outside of the classroom. My goal is to make sure that the children understand what being safe is. I make sure that they know how to play safe. All of the toys and the materials that the children use are safe. I make sure that there are no broken toys that may harm them around. The children along with me create the class rules. I make sure that the outlet plugs are in place and that the cabinets are secure. The children follow the classroom rules. I make sure that I supervise the children at all times. I also make sure that I observe the areas where they play, work, and eat. I make sure that shoes are tied. I make sure that …show more content…

I encourage children to participate in classroom activities and to honor the classroom rules. I listen to what the children say and expand upon their language, building their vocabulary and background knowledge. I understand when to teach directly, when to provide time for exploration and discovery, when to practice skills, and when to encourage creativity. I plan activities that have a purpose and that challenge children. We have site words, colors, shapes, letters, and numbers posted throughout the classroom. In small group time we have enrichment work that is fun as well as educational. We also have calendars that we send home with the parents that have daily activities on them to help the children to learn while at home. The parents also have the opportunity to view the lesson plan because it is posted on the wall in the

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