
Comparing The Attitude Towards Human Nature On Confucianism And Legalism

Better Essays

Jourdyn Lao
Professor Mengjun Li
EALC 350 (25307)
23 October 2017

Compare the attitude towards human nature in Confucianism and Legalism (e.g. Han Feizi). What are the implications of these attitudes for other aspects of their philosophy, such as education and government?

The Juxtaposition of Confucianism and Legalism Amidst the chaos and political turmoil characteristic of the Warring States period in Chinese history, Confucianism and Legalism arose as two prominent and competing schools of thought. These two ideologies differed in their sociopolitical viewpoint, as well as in their methodology of achieving their version of a perfect society. However, they were alike in that they both investigated the meanings of a stable society …show more content…

In order to achieve such a lofty goal, he advocated for government that ruled with morality and virtue, instead of punishment and forceful suppression. From the Analects, the viewpoints and values of Confucianism towards human nature mentioned prior are made clear. Confucius urged ethical and virtuous behavior, and believed a responsible government was a moral obligation of mankind. Such values are readily observed in the Analects, such as in the quote, “The Master said, ‘If a minister makes his own conduct correct, what difficulty will he have in assisting in government? If he cannot rectify himself, what has he to do with rectifying others?’” (Analects 13:13). Another excerpt from the Analects that exemplifies Confucius’s perspective of moral conduct driving humanity is as follows: “The Master said, ‘Guide them with policies and align them with punishments and the people will evade them and have no shame. Guide them with virtue and align them with li and the people will have a sense of shame and fulfill their roles’” (Analects 2:3). This first part of this quote will be important when we analyze the main beliefs of Legalism. Lastly, there is no better example of the universality of Confucius’s attitude towards human nature than in the “golden” rule. When Confucius is asked if there is a concept that can be taken as a guide for the

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