
Comparing Daoist And Confucian Philosophy

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What is yin and yang? According to Young, yin and yang is the complementary, opposite forces present in all reality, according to the traditional Chinese worldview (426). The yin force is dark, mysterious, wet, and female; the yang force is bright, clear, dry, and male (Young 426). In humans, the harmony is reflected on a balance of yin and yang as new life emerges from the cold ground and ripened fruits fall to the ground.

Yin and Yang are possessed by everyone. Long before Daoist and Confucian philosophy had crystallized in China, the view had become popular that two interacting, interdependent, complement forces–yin and yang–are present in reality (Young 120). In other words, the “yang” is the positive side and the “yin” is the negative side. For example, these complementary can be described as life and death, summer and winter, light and darkness, male and female, good and evil, or positive and negative.

Yin and Yang are dependent and serves as an expression of the Dao. In other words, everything in the universe consists of these two energies interacting. For example, “in some things the Yang dominates, or is in ascendency; in other things, the yin force; but in all things (including humans), both are necessarily …show more content…

In other words, given the nature of Daoist values, there has never been a central symbol, in the sense of a visual representation believed to convey a transcendent truth. For example, the symbol of Yin and Yang is a circle with curling dark (yin) and white (yang) hemispheres and contains a dot of the opposite color. According to Kirkland, the swirl represents change—the only constant factor in the universe (522). This is like “Daoist symbolism consists of an array of varied images that obliquely suggest the effectiveness of spiritual practice” (Kirkland

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