
Compare And Contrast Online Education Vs Traditional Schooling

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Tradition Schooling Vs Online School
Sitting alone and staring at a computer all day sounds like the worst possible way to gain an education. Traditional schooling is better than online schooling because the students are able to gain social skills, they will be prepared for when they graduate and get a job, public schooling gives children more independence. There is a reason that traditional schools have survived all of these years and that is because it is better for the student.
Some would say online schooling is better because the student do not have to keep track of their school work. ¨Online schooling might be better for some students because of the more laid back scheduling but when dealing with online schooling the student has to be able to keep up on their work, some will just not do the work because they are comfortable at home. ¨ ( Erstad). However traditional schooling is better because the student is able to get one on one help, and they are able to socialize also.
Traditional schooling helps kids gain social skills, ¨ Traditional schools can help students interact with diverse people to help you get ready for the real world¨ (Dalien). They learn how to make friends at an early age, and they have face to face communication all day. Most importantly is group projects, class discussions about topics that are being learned in the classroom. Even though some students may not participate in the group discussions or talk in class they can still see how to

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