
Class Syllabus Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

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I am currently taking English 111 and this is my first time ever taking a hybrid class. Needless to say I am not sure what to expect. The first thing that popped in my head is, “I need to look at my syllabus.” My syllabus is located on Black Board. Once I glanced over it, I knew that this was going to be my road map for the class. If I needed to get in touch with my instructor for any reason this was going to tell me when and how. It also was going to tell me what to expect from this class and what this instructor is going to expect of me. A syllabus to me is an outline of a course. I believe instructors give syllabuses to ensure students with valuable information and acknowledge the expectations of the class. The syllabus contains a lot of pertinent information that’s not only is useful in the beginning of the class, but something that can be looked on throughout the entire course. …show more content…

Such websites are helpful and assignment due dates. This syllabus also has my instructors contact information and the best way to reach her. I like how she went into detail about how to turn in homework, being I was clueless when I went to Black Board. I understand by reading the syllabus that no late work is accepted. All assignments that are due must be turned in through Black Board and not by email. There is a brief summary in the syllabus and it states the learning outcome of English 111. Our instructor also explained the learning center and gave us their contact information and location. A syllabus is pretty beneficial and something that you should keep throughout the

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