
Christianity And Confucianism Similarities

Decent Essays

Defining the sacred: Christianity vs. Confucianism

The practice of Christianity is the religion which was derived from Jesus Christ that is based upon sacred scriptures, commandments, and parables in the Holy Bible. It is the belief that Christianity is centered around God, eternal life, heaven, or hell. In Matthew 28:19, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (The Bible). Confucianism was developed by Confucius. It became the official religion of China which defined the Chinese culture. This religion which is not really a religion, but more so an ethical code was based on respecting and honoring ancestors in the spiritual realm and elders, loyalty to family, hardworking, educating themselves, and being obedient to those that came before them that remain ingrained in Asian culture (Hinton 223). Though both religions definitions reflect some differences, they have many similarities.
Similarities of Christianity vs. Confucianism In Christianity and Confucianism, both religions have quite a few similarities. Both religions stressed education whether it be to meditate on the Holy Bible, or to gain …show more content…

Therefore, they are considered “sacred” by the followers and disciples in those religions. It is especially important for the believers of these faiths to understand every commandment and practices articulated to it to govern themselves that their dignity is maintained fully to enter eternal life, or to be accepted by ancestors in the spiritual-realm. Both religions have their differences, but are somehow uniquely alike in beliefs, which somehow symbolizes a unified stance to bring there people together if they are true

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