
Chinese Philosophy And The Mandate Of Heaven

Decent Essays

Chinese Philosophy has been dominated by Humanistic ideology since the dawn of documented Chinese history. Chinese Humanistic philosophy aimed to profess the unity of man and Heaven as well as man and nature, unlike humanism that amines to discredit or deny a supreme power. This philosophic idea developed over time through the development of social and historical change. Following the conquest of Shang dynasty by the Chou in 1111 B.C., the Mandate of Heaven produced by the Chou, held a doctrine to justify right to rule outside of birth or blood right. (TSait wing.) The doctrine created in the Mandate of Heaven, states “man’s destiny mortal and immortal—depended not on the existence of a soul before birth or death nor upon the whim of a spiritual force, but upon his own good words and good deed during is present life”(Tsit-Chan …show more content…

Before humanistic movement one’s ability to rule or move up depended on birthrights alone. Those born in royal families became rulers, whether capable or not, though Humanism focuses on the fact that people are born at an equal level, and their behaviors during their life time should dictate their place in society and the afterlife. Wing–Tsit Chang summarized this perfectly that, “Human personal power was supplanted by human virtue and human effort, and man, through his moral deeds, could now control his own destiny”(Chang 3). The development of humanism majorly changed social, cultural, and political aspects of Chinese life styles. This paper will examine two ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius and Zhuangzi, who both studied Humanistic philosophy, though drew different conclusions as to the ethicial humanistic

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