
Causes Of Qin Dynasty

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Along the Ancient Chinese History, Qin State was the first one that conquered six major states and unified China became Qin Dynasty. Under the rules of Qinshihuang, the first King of the Qin dynasty and he was the first one that centralized monarchy in ancient Chinese history. Nevertheless, the glory of Qin Dynasty only lasted for fifteen years due to the burning of books and burying of scholars, tyrannical rulers, compulsory labors, and the incompetence of the emperor. Especially because of Qinershi the ruler of the social chaos and fatuous incompetence, which was the second son of Qinshihuang, he was the main causes of Qin dynasty became extinct.
The Qin's wars of unification
Before the Qin State became a Dynasty the Qin State had an unexceptionable start that changed its destiny. Because of the most famous war that Qin State led, it lasted about ten years. In the beginning of the Qin’s wars of unification around 230 BC, Qin state was the first state declared war on Han State and occupied most of the lands of Han State in only six months. Then Qin State declared war on Zhao State, while Zhao was attacking Yan, Qin used the opportunity to send two separate forces to invade Zhao. At that time Qin State conquered all the lands from Yangzijiang to the south. In the end of the 223 BC, Qin State launched another attack on Chu State and captured the capital of Chu and the king of Chu, and he was annexed by Qin. At the end of 221 BC, Qin State destroyed Qi State and occupied the

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