
Causes Of Confucianism In China

Decent Essays

China faced many weaknesses in the wake of Western civilization. One of the problems that the Chinese culture faced peasant uprisings were frequent throughout China. When
Confucianism was strong, instability still broke out in China. Peasant uprisings were a common thing throughout China. The successful revolts were given justification because it was assumed that they had been justified against bad rulers who had broken the Confucian social contract. One of the most violent challenges to Confucian values were capitalist modernity and
Christianity, which were the introduction western systems in the nineteenth century. The arrival of western imperialists and their belief system was a catalyst for the Chinese to look at their own society and its faults. Many Chinese people were poor and did not rise up against their fate.
Many women in China were oppressed physically, by being treated as social inferiors and being deprived of a good education. Women were also oppressed physically by having their feet bound small. Western barbarians posed a threat to the Chinese government because they were able to come to China and invade with impunity. Many radical thinkers believe that the only reasonable response to the chaos in China was to declare that Confucian ideas and values were responsible for the crisis in China. The Confucian past in China had corrupted the Chinese government and exterminated Chinse culture and society from Western civilization.

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