
Catherine Latterell's Essay About How To Perceive A Community

Decent Essays

Community In the essay written by Catherine Latterell , she presented us with three assumptions about how we perceive a community. The first one being that the community is like a place that provides order, traditions and certain rules. For example when we are at a family reunion and its like rule to always say hello to your elders first, or that when you are about to hit the piñata the little ones go first, or something much simpler like the sitting place of each family member at the dinning table. This shows us how these values and traditions keep us together and in certain line. But that too is a disadvantage because we stop questioning the traditions and values passed by the family or community, for example what if in the family dinner I want to sit in the living room with the men and not cook? To my community it will look bad but today this act is seems normal, that leads us to another problem with this assumption, that maybe our community values more the rules that the people that form the community, given the example on the essay about the Amish people and their traditions. …show more content…

I’m going to give the example of when I enrolled to southwestern college, here they offer me financial help, places such as the library and bookstore that I can get the materials that I need to progress in my work, they offer me help if I plan to transfer and many other things. That is an example of how I rely in this community to support me. This sample shows us too how can a community helps the individual and the great feedback it takes from it. But it can have negative effect, because communities can also assist us in negative behaviors our

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