
Case Against Judge Phillips

Decent Essays

A week has passed since the arrest of Mia's mother Sheila for beating her husband's side chick with a golf club. Her mandated court date has arrived and also her divorce date. This was going to take a very heavy toll on Sheila like a hurricane on a state. The timing of her scheduled events couldn't have come at a better time. She had the worst judge in the entire state of Florida. Judge Joe Phillips. He had a huge reputation for being a tough judge.

Ballif "All Rise." "You may be seated, Judge Phillips said." Judge Phillips read off Sheila's charges and said it the rudest way. "Your ass better be lucky that the woman didn't press charges on your crazy ass, he barked." Judge Phillips also stated, "I will be placing you on 6 years probation …show more content…

Johnny was tired of dealing with Sheila after she fell out the map years ago and went nuts. All Johnny wants to do is finish raising his kids and live a peaceful life. When the other hearing began Judge Phillips read how much both of them made. Johnny made a five-figure salary while Sheila made a low four-figure salary. Judge Phillips decided not to split any money between the two. Ater that is was pretty much over. All their kids are grown and don't gotta worry about a custody battle between the …show more content…

Not knowing how her mother would feel Mia crept downstairs and out the doors. When she got outside she was greeted by her brother, sister, dad, and her boyfriend. At the bowling alley, Mia and Erik were in teams against Tara and Johnny and then Jeremih switched with Tara. They played multiple rounds until it was time to go eat. Mia's team had won against Tara's team in bowling. After the game, they went to this nice five-star establishment. For an hour they eat, talked, and laughed at some good memories and new memories. When they pulled up to Mia's house Erik walked her the door and kissed her goodbye. Mia walked into a dark as the house not being able to see anything. As she turned around she saw her mother turn on the lamp. "Mom you frightened me, Mia said." "Where have you been young lady, Sheila asked?" "I was out with dad and the others, she responded. Right then and there Mia saw something different in her mom that she never saw before. She knew that her mom was a different person than who she was

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