
Bruce Tuckman's Stages Of Team Development

Decent Essays

Grow your Team With Team Development Techniques
The team development model of:
Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing was proposed in 1965 by American psychologist Bruce Tuckman.
The Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing model describes a set of stages in training that a group must go through in order to be able to achieve maximum potential.
As the name implies, the Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing model show the four ordered stages a team must go through before they become like a well-oiled machine.
The first stage of training, forming, is when the team is just getting to know each other. Each has his or her own ideas, which are usually independent of the other. There is minimum cooperation and integration of ideas. …show more content…

This stage is when the concept of Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing is introduced to the team.
This is the stage where the concepts of each member come together for the first time. This is where members of the team experience their ideas being criticized, improved, and commented on by their colleagues.
Storming not only refers to the concept of “brainstorming”, but also to the “stormy” stage of team development.
Some immature members will not appreciate their ideas being criticized, and their behavior might serve as a deterrent for the team to move on to the next stage of thier development.
It’s up to the supervisor or team leader to decide how to deal with this kind of attitude.
Once the “stormy” phase is over the team reaches the stage where they start to work together collectively. They’re more familiar with each other’s attitudes, work ethics, and tastes in terms of ideas and work output.
What you should look out for in this phase, is the tendency for team members to completely lose their individual tastes and ideas, and slowly become accustomed to agreeing with each other all the

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