
Broad-Scale Effects Of Hypoxia

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Broad-scale effects of Hypoxia on benthic community structure in Chesapeake Bay, USA Hypoxia defines as oxygen deficiency that had influence benthic communities through time. In broad-scale effects of hypoxia it had studied that it has positive and negative result in the ecosystem. Organisms living near the seabed commonly called benthic organism mostly depends nutrients from inorganic material such as oxygen. Critical decrease of oxygen may lead to the alteration of benthic density, biomass and diversity. In Chesapeake Bay, USA, hypoxia is typically a summer phenomenon according to Seitz due to the runoff, sinking of algal blooms, high benthic respiration and stratification of water. Severity decrease of oxygen leads to hypoxic stress wherein flux in the ecosystem levels were observed. Though main effects are adverse such as reduction of benthic species abundance and biomass it also attributes a change in behavioral response of benthic organism, that are either …show more content…

However this study provides evidences that test species mortality in a hypoxic area depends on the species-specific tolerance that provide that not all species immediately die rather some still persist in months. Also additional evidences for hypoxia or oxygen deficiency found out that it can alter food web and can made organism susceptible for predation due to the migration process as natural behavioral response of benthic organisms. Therefore this study is a good research study case because it informs contradicting effect of hypoxia that is decrease of dissolve oxygen in water does not always have negative effects rather it has an opposite effect in the global

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