
Boot Camp Accomplishments

Decent Essays

From the beginning of boot camp we are taught to listen to the details and follow direction to the exact point. We are also taught to give your one hundred percent effort in everything you do. It is ingrained in us as Marines; that our core values are Honor, Courage, and Commitment. These traits of hard work that are instilled in us during boot camp will help me in my pursuit of my college degree. I will be ever attentive to the details of assignments and will give my all to the work that needs to be done. After boot camp I went to my job training school in California. It was an intense two month class learning about my job as an Air Support Net Operator. During those two months I learned about time management skills, the importance of studying, and …show more content…

With discussions, papers, reading that is due every week, and tests throughout the course. It will be a great importance to be on time and give my best work possible. Throughout my time learning my job I had to give best effort. With hard work and dedication it pays off. I finished third in my class in overall GPA. Also being in the Military I have learned the importance of being on time, time management, and integrity. Being on time and time management go together. If you have good time management skills you will be on time with assignments that you are giving. It will also build trust with your instructors and fellow class mates that you will be there to participate with the class. Integrity is the most important thing I have learned. It is more then just being truthful. It is a way of life that you must follow. You must have integrity with yourself and with those around you. Being true to your work that you do. Also reaching out for help when you need it. In Colossians 2:23 it says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters," (NIV) My utmost goal is do my work to glorify God in all I do. From the small to the big

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