
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Trigonometry

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Trigonometry in Blood Spatter Analysis After watching the TV show Dexter, I suddenly had a passion for Forensic investigations. A specific area in this field that I had the most passion for was Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. After going through this year’s Foundations 20 class, I developed an interest in the topic Trigonometry. When doing research, I found out that the two things that sparked an interest in me were somehow related. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. How could blood be possibly related to trigonometry? Lucky for you, in this paper, you will be educated on how trigonometry is used in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Using trigonometry, bloodstain pattern analysis can help determine the point of origin of the blood spot, the height and dominant hand of the criminal, and the extent of the attack. In this paper I will only focus on how trigonometry is used to find the point of origin of the blood spot. In order to see how these two topics are related, we first need to have a …show more content…

Bloodstain Pattern Analysis is the interpretation of bloodstains at a crime scene in order to recreate the actions that caused the bloodshed. Analysts examine the size, shape, distribution and location of the bloodstains to form opinions about what did or did not happen. This job/process is very important because when it is done properly, it becomes evidence that can be given to the jury and Judge.
It’s now time to get to the fun part. Using trigonometry, there’s only a few steps that need to be taken to help find the point of origin of a blood stain/spatter. The first step is determining the direction of the blood flow in the drops needs to be determined. If the blood drop appears to be circular, then the blood must have fell at a 90-degree angle. If it does not appear to be circular, then the blood must have fallen at a degree lower than 90 degrees. The elongated end of the blood point will help direct you in the way the blood was

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