
Before The Pilgrims Who Arrived In The Massachusetts Bay Colony

Decent Essays

a) Martin Luther put his list of protests on Wittenberg's Cathedral in 1517. He said that the bible is the only source of God. His actions led to the Protestant Reformation b) John Calvin created Calvinism which was followed by many people throughout Europe i) The doctrines of Calvinism said that the elect were the people who were going to heaven as soon as they were created. Predestination was another doctrine that stated God had already appointed who were going to heaven and hell, so all Calvinist tried to live purified lives c) The Puritans were people who wanted to purify the Church of England and its catholic rituals. Some of the most dedicated Puritans …show more content…

Charles I dissolved the parliament in 1639 ii) John Winthrop was the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and he helped the colony thrive with fishing, fur trading, and shipbuilding which made the Massachusetts Bay colony a very influential colony a) The freemen were adult males that belonged to the Puritan group, which later was called the Congregational Church, and people had to be Puritans to be a

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