
Autonomy And Informed Consent Analysis

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Summary: Principle of Autonomy and Informed Consent The dignity and freedom of a patient should be respected so that people can make their own choices and develop their own life plans in the context of the society they belong to. . An individual has every right to take their own choices. A health care provider cannot treat a patient without his or her permission. If the patient is unable give the consent, then a lawful surrogate can provide consent. A lawful surrogate requires certain criteria like competence or has decision making capacity and is capable of realizing the consequence of consent. The consent from the patient may be implicit or explicit depending on the seriousness of health issues. Serious health issues like intrusive procedures …show more content…

In that situation a patient must be incapable of giving consent and no lawful surrogate is available to give the give the consent. Treatment can be initiated if there is danger of life or danger of a serious impairment of health. Immediate treatment can avert danger and save life. Treatment may be initiated in non-emergency situations if the patient is doubtfully competent and refuses treatment, the benefit of doubt goes to the patient unless the doctor seeks and obtain a court order. A health care provider should know that one individual does not have authority over another. A health care provider should look for the advanced directives such as a living will. A legal system like court order should be used to get a guardian who can give consent. In a nutshell the autonomy of individuals should have the protection of proper process and law in all health care settings. When there is any doubt a court may help. The court-appointed guardian will be the lawful surrogate who can consent to or refuse treatment in line with the best interests of the patient or the balanced choice

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