
Attitudes of Christianity and Islam Toward Merchants and Trade.

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From their origins to 1500, the attitudes of both Christian and Muslims toward trade shifted as conditions in the Christian and Islamic worlds changed. In the beginning, Christian attitudes were more negative, while Muslims tended to encourage and respect trade and merchants. Over time, Muslims became more like early Christians in that they were suspicious of traders whereas the Christians became more like the early Muslims, equating merchants (at least honest ones) with doing God’s work, reflecting the changed importance of trade in the high Middle Ages in Europe.
At their origins, Christians and Muslims had different views about merchants and traders. This can be seen in the first two documents which are excerpts from the holy books of …show more content…

Commerce is the increasing of capital by buying goods and attempting to sell them at a price higher than their cost. Waiting for a rise in the market price or by transporting the goods to another place where they are more keenly demanded. It is necessary to have enough initial capital to pay in cash the sellers from whom one buys goods, to sell for cash as honesty. Dishonesty leads on the one hand to fraud and the adulteration of goods and on the other to delays on payment which diminish profits because capital remains idle during the interval. (Document 5, fourteen century—Universal History.) Evasiveness, litigation and disputation, all of which are characteristics of the profession and qualities lead to a decrease and weakening in virtue which can mistaken as bias because some may say this persona to commerce makes one a human being. This shows a much more respectful view towards merchants and may reflect the fact that Muhammad, the founder of Islam was a merchant himself.
Since this question is about attitudes about trade it would be more complete with documents portraying the views of more groups. For example, letters from Muslim merchants would allow us to examine that group’s view about trade. Documents from Orthodox Christians would give a more complete picture of the attitudes of Christianity. Collection records from Muslim mosques or Christian churches would allow us to compare how each benefited from merchants and so be able to

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