
Argumentative Essay On Informed Consent

Decent Essays

Doctors will give you information about certain treatments or tests in order for you to decide whether or not you want to undergo such treatments or tests. This process of understanding the benefits and possible risks of treatment is known as informed consent. It is based on the moral and legal premise of patient autonomy: you have the right to make an informed choice regarding medical conditions and your own health (Shi, 2015). Informed consent requires that a patient have a full understanding of what he or she is consenting. An authorization from a patient who does not have understand to what he or she is consenting is not an effective consent (Pozgar, 2016). Informed consents are as old as medicine. The modern document of an informed consent developed from several advances over past centuries. The most important source for today’s informed consent is the legal aspect of the document. Informed consents originated from courts. In 1957, the term “informed consent” was first used in a medical …show more content…

It’s very important to obtain written consent from each patient/human participating in clinical trials because written consents are designed to protect the safety and the rights of people participating in the trials. The informed consent document gives information to the patient describing all parts of the clinical trial, and all patients/humans participating have to sign the document before the study can be conducted. Joining a clinical trial is a big decision. If you’re unsure of what you’re getting yourself into you should always ask questions. If you decide a clinical trial is the right thing for you, be sure to ask for a copy of your informed consent document for your records. The informed consent process doesn’t end after you sign the document-it’s an ongoing process with researchers and the health care team and your allowed to ask questions/concerns related to the clinical trial or treatment (Pozgar,

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