
Differences And Similarities Between Mencius And Xunzi

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The Analects, the Mencius, and the Xunzi
Confucius was China’s first moral philosopher, and his ideas influence people all over the world even in the present day. Confucianism is a philosophy, a political ideology, and a way of life. Confucius had many followers, two of which are especially significant and would continue his teachings long after his death. These two were called Mencius and Xunzi(Xun Kuang). However, even though they would continue to spread his ideas throughout the realm, they also developed nuanced and differing viewpoints from each other and that also differed from the teachings of Confucius himself. Their individual perspectives are each outlined in their own writings.
The Analects served as a compilation of the …show more content…

Filial piety could be applied to government as well, between rulers and subjects, nobles and commoners, or men and women.
Mencius, as one of the most influential scholars of Confucian thought, shared many of the same views as Confucius and furthered many of his ideas. One example would be the emphasis on family and its connection to the government. Mencius, like Confucius, saw that the wellbeing of the family was crucial for prosperity of the state. He also emphasized filial piety and advocated for agriculture instead of fighting more wars. Furthermore, he took on the idea of the gentleman versus the ordinary person, someone who was distinguished, diligent, righteous, and respectful. But while the views of Mencius seem to more closely mirror those of Confucius, that was not entirely the case. For example, Confucius emphasized the importance of rulers as well as loyalty to authorities, stressing adherence to the social stratifications set in place by Chinese culture and society. However, Mencius said, referring to the noble ministers of the court, that “When the ruler makes a major error, they point it out. If he does not listen to their repeated remonstrations, then they put someone else on the throne.” He argued that subjects should be able to overthrow a ruler that is unjust, for it is only a ruler that is righteous and benevolent that should be supported by the people. Mencius also stressed the importance of a person’s motives, something not explicitly seen

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