
Aminata Setting

Decent Essays

One of the most important elements that affects a story is the setting, which is the context in which the story takes place. Setting is more than simply a geographical location or time period that makes a nice backdrop to a story. Therefore, authors create setting by writing descriptive details that appeal to our five senses; sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. The time, place, and social context determines a characters parameters. The setting dictates the central characters identity, development, and motives. In Lawrence Hill’s The Book of Negroes, the different settings that Aminata goes through in the novel ultimately shape her character.

The novel begins in Bayo, a small village in West Africa. Here, Aminata is exposed to a strong …show more content…

The ship was a mobile torture device, slaves were kept in shackles and muzzles. Human beings were being treated like animals all around her, and she was one of those animals. She described the boat as a barn full of dead livestock, with human excrements all over the ground. These situation surely would change and deflate any person. But, Aminata understood that her current setting was only temporary and she had to find a way to survive. Because of thoughts about her parents, it allows her to preserve through the challenges and obstacles the captors gave her. This shows that Aminata’s character and will to live is growing stronger by every impediment she faces. She not only takes care of herself during this journey but throughout the novel she makes sure other people are taken care of. On the boat, she helps the other slaves by bringing them food and weapons to fight the captors. Even in the darkest of times, when Aminata is in a difficult setting, she brings hope and light to others.This shows that Aminata is a selfless character that helps not only herself but others as well to preserve to freedom.

South Carolina, to an African this was a strange place. The language, race, and the social environment is nothing like she has ever seen. Though, she can easily identify who the haves and have nots are. Although the blacks were not treated as horrible as on the ship, there was a clear distinction between the two races. Here, she was sold to Mr. Appleby like a commodity for a few dollars. After the transaction and being surrounded with other slaves, Aminata in a sense loses her sense of value. For a moment she has lost her identity as a human being and has a become a “property”.

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