
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Man

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Throughout the history of man kind men always tries to makes new inventions to makes his work easier and to increase the efficiency of his work. Therefore men have made many inventions to make the work easier and to make the life comfortable. With the invention of each new thing it brought some advantages and drawbacks for men but men mainly focus on the advantages and never focus on the serious disadvantages or drawbacks. With the passage of time world has gone technologically advanced. Technology is the combination of different techniques, skills, methods and the processes which were used in the manufacturing of goods or in the accomplishment of goals and objectives, Such as scientific investigation. Technology is considered as the practical use of Science, it mainly refers to new invention, modifying or making improvements. It can be the knowledge of techniques, methods or it can be related to inventions of machines, …show more content…

With time it becomes the necessity of our lives because much of our work depends on it. By using internet we can easily to different educative resources and get wide knowledge about our courses, Internet provides us updates about the news or information. It provides us opportunity to learn new things by taking online courses. It is more effective than offline courses due to many reasons such as online learning has a flexible pattern, we can access to more learning resources. Moreover we have access to online courses any time and anywhere where we feel comfortable this increase our focus and it is also cost effective or free of cost effective education while taking offline courses do not provides us these benefits therefore we relay on the online courses. It provides us a better and free of cost communication channel due to which we can take help from others about any issue faced in learning

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