
What Were The Liberals Or Conservatives?

Satisfactory Essays

The liberals and conservatives had many opinions on how they thought Europe should be ruled. The Liberals thought that the kings should share more power with the legislature. The Conservatives thought that each country should have a monarchy, a family of rulers. Their opinions weren’t wrong, but one thought the other was wrong.

The liberals wanted the kings to share power with the legislature. Liberals didn’t want the monarchies to run Europe. They believed in freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of religion. The liberals thought that the males that owned property or males that were wealthy had the right to vote. The liberal class consisted of politicians, writers, bankers, business owners, and newspaper editors. The liberals were inspired to honor this kind of government through the French Revolution. …show more content…

Their leader in this political statement was Klemens von Metternich, they wanted to get rid of all the remaining issues caused by the French Revolution. They wanted to “turn back the clock to the way things were before the 1789.” They wanted to restore the balance of Europe, and in order to do that, the countries that signed this agreement would help each other out if a revolution was formed. The principle of legitimacy was put into use when Metternich was restoring each countries former kings and queens. The conservative class was made up of officals and monarchs.

In conclusion, the conservatives and liberals strongly believed in different thing, but neither of their ideas were the wrong idea forsay. The conservatives belief in monarchies wasn’t the wrong belief, the liberals belief in the kings sharing power wasn’t the wrong belief. They disagreed on who should have power because they both strongly believed in their beliefs that neither class was willing to give up on

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