
Absolutism Vs Conservatism

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Liberalism is an ideology that invoked upon the ideals and fundamentals of the enlightenment period as well as the French Revolution. Liberals opposed conservatism which boasted heeding to “the dominance of politics and society by monarchs, aristocrats, and clergy and the government's’ arbitrary interference with individual liberty. [Therefore], to the extent that these elements of the traditional order remained in place, liberals demanded reform and fought resisting conservatives” (582). Fighting for what would appear to be present day democracy, liberals fought for:
“Limitation of governmental powers through a form similar to checks and balances.
Elimination of political and social privileges, although overtime it becomes clear that there …show more content…

The King appointed a small cabinet, used his power in moderations and extended the suffrage practices to the wealthy elite. Although he was a conservative, these small changes echoed some of the liberal demands. His ascendor, Charles X, was a conservative who essentially attempted reversed all the progress that Louis XVIII had made. Charles X, “aligned himself with utilaralists” ( ). However, in Great Britain, big liberal reforms were afoot. By 1822, Britain had abandoned the conservative Concert of Europe, which had backed up many of the laws that essentially impeded against all liberal progress. This determent laid a more or less liberal path with the “repealment of laws preventing laborers from organizing unions and removed civil restrictions against non conforming Protestants and …show more content…

In France, after "citizen-king" Louis-Philippe fled in exile due to growing discontent under his rule, a second republic was hastily formed in the form of a provisional government. Afterwards, "they immediately called for the election by universal male suffrage of an assembly to draw up a new constitution" (599). this was something that Great Britain had failed to do, however France did turn down political and economic demands voiced in the woman's magazine, "The Voice of Women." As a response to the demand to work, the government set up national workshops, socialist decision, however due to a wave of immigration to paris in order to participate, there was a surplus of workers, and that meant higher taxes for the citizens in order for the government to be able to pay its workers. This plan, although a great thought, proved to be a rash decision and was soon

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