
A Modest Proposal Essay

Decent Essays

A Modest Proposal Since the beginning of the 19th century, America has had to deal with the on going problem of drugs. We’re surrounded by them everyday, whether we realize it, or not. The evening news is filled with stories of “crack heads” killing each other as well innocent standers- by in a fiendish attempt to find drugs or money to buy drugs. Perhaps you may recall reading the morning paper only to find that another teen has been found dead in an attempt to sale drugs as a way to quick and easy money. Surely every true American as heard a story or two or four about major “drug cartels” paying off police chiefs, judges, and even some members our beloved American government. I think it is agreed by all Americans …show more content…

It is time yet again for the government to make a “ compromise” that appeases the minority and glorifies the majority. Why not make the use of drugs legal in America? Surely all Americans will love this compromise! The legalization of drugs will make for a better economy. First, more imports and exports will be coming into and out of the country. America can import drugs from countries such as Tiajuana, and Brazil, and apply to them a flat rate tax. In exchange, America can export illegal immigrants to these countries as indentured servants, therefore maximizing the economy while lowering the amount of people on welfare. Secondly, President George W. Bush will have solid ground for means of his trillion dollar federal tax cut. This will be made possible by implementing a 16.25 cent on the dollar federal tax on all drugs sold in America. Subsequently, the legalization of drugs will make for bigger government, which will in turn grant more power to Big Tobacco. Therefore allowing the amount of drugs imported and sold per annum to be regulated by Big Tobacco. Thirdly and most important, the nation will have more wealth. This will be made possible not only by the previously mentioned strategies but also by the advertisement and use of slogans created by the government and Big Tobacco to make the use of drugs more desirable. This wealth will also be achieved by applying the principle of supply and demand. Big Tobacco will start out

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