
6. 1 Explain How To Prevent The Spread Of Infection In Child Care And Answers

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6.1 Explain how to prevent the spread of infection in early years settings

It’s important to prevent the spreading of infection and keep others out of harm. You can do this I'm many ways including frequently washing hands, thoroughly cleaning areas (e.g tables, sides, toys) and staying away from the setting when you become unwell.

6.2 Identify childhood infections

Children are most vulnerable to infections in their first few years. It’s important to be aware of the signs to look for in order to help prevent the infection from spreading further, and potentially becoming serious. Children who have infections such as chickenpox or whooping cough should be kept away from childhood settings until the infection is almost/all gone to prevent …show more content…

Public Health England and Department of Health offer advice and guidance on things such as health issues and erecting a child’s health.

6.5 Explain the immunisation programme for children and it’s roll in infection control

The immunisation programme is the giving of immunisation through a vaccine injection given to children. The injection contains a small amount of bacteria/infection to help a child’s immune systems create antibodies to fight against it - becoming stronger. The immunisation programme has a roll in infection control as when lots of children have had the injection and been immunised, it’s will decrease the risk of the infection spreading to others.

7.1 Explain the risk assessment process

A risk assessment is carried out to ensure you are keeping the children safe and free from harm whilst in the setting. You first assess a risk by identifying any potential hazards, you then need to identify who may be at risk within the setting, then identify how you are going to ensure the risk does not become a hazard.

7.2 Describe how to carry out a risk assessment and risk management in line with policies and procedures

Before carrying out a risk assessment you need to be made aware of potential hazards within the setting to know what to look out for. Each hazard must then be detailed of who might be at risk and then actioned from there. For example toys with small parts should only be used by those over the age of 3

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