
Unit 208 Level 2 Diploma Essay

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Unit 208: Understand Health and Safety in social care settings 1. Understand the different responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care settings 2.1. There are many legislations relating to general health and safety in a health and social care work setting: * Health and Safety at work Act 1974 * Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999 * Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulation 1981 include amendment on 2009 * The Electricity at Work regulations 1989 * Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 * Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 * Communicable diseases and infection control * Working Time Regulations 1998 * Care …show more content…

If you have concerns about the care and safety of service users and feel like you can’t go to your manager then you have the option to contact some big and confidential organisations such as Care Quality Commission (CQC) or Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or environmental health who can also offer support and information and give you any answers you may need to any concerns. 2. Understand the use of risk assessments in relation to health and safety 3.6. Hazard – A hazard in a health and social care setting is when there is a potential to cause harm to a person/people.
Risk – A risk in a health and social care setting is when there is a strong possibility of harm occurring through a hazard. 3.7. Using a risk assessment to promote health and safety is very important to ensure that the individual is kept safe in the work place. Risk assessments evaluate the risks and identify hazards to put precautions in place to reduce the risks. Reporting and recording the outcome of the risk assessments make things more clear and is careful to keep everybody protected and safe. 3.8. You should report potential health and safety risks as soon as they are identified because if you leave them there is a chance that an accident occurs from that risk before you reported it, and you could have prevented it. You must report the identified health and safety risk to your supervisor, senior or manager and

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