Thomas R. Lounsbury, ed. (1838–1915). Yale Book of American Verse. 1912.
John Greenleaf Whittier 1807–1892
John Greenleaf Whittier75 Ichabod
Which once he wore!
The glory from his gray hairs gone
A snare for all;
And pitying tears, not scorn and wrath,
Befit his fall!
When he who might
Have lighted up and led his age,
Falls back in night.
A bright soul driven,
Fiend-goaded, down the endless dark,
From hope and heaven!
Insult him now,
Nor brand with deeper shame his dim,
Dishonored brow.
From sea to lake,
A long lament, as for the dead,
In sadness make.
Save power remains,—
A fallen angel’s pride of thought,
Still strong in chains.
The soul has fled:
When faith is lost, when honor dies,
The man is dead!
To his dead fame;
Walk backward, with averted gaze,
And hide the shame!